Resources For Promoting Healthy Schools
Extreme Heat Policies and Guidelines in Massachusetts Schools
Lynn Public Schools Staff Handbook and Holyoke Public Schools' Extreme Heat Policy and Resources outline guidelines for managing extreme heat and related conditions in school settings.
Tools and Resources for Managing Extreme Heat: Templates for District Wellness Policies, Handbooks, and Emergency Procedures
The Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) and Massachusetts Association of Health Boards (MAHB), designed these tools to help districts manage extreme heat, including customizable policy templates for:
Clearing the Air: An Asthma Toolkit for Healthy Schools (Massachusetts Asthma Action Partnership)
This toolkit provides best practices for creating a healthy school environment for kids with asthma.
A Healthy Child is Ready and Able to Learn (Massachusetts Asthma Action Partnership)
An informational flyer about ways to support quality school health services in MA.
School Nurse Infographic (Massachusetts Asthma Action Partnership)
This infographic promotes the critical need for full time school nurses in all MA schools.
Linking Indoor Air Quality, Energy Efficiency and Preventive Maintenance Together for Healthy Schools (Environmental Protection Agency)
A webinar on how to link school maintenance initiatives to optimize school health.
Open Airways for Schools (American Lung Association)
Introduction to Open Airways for Schools, a program for elementary school children ages 8-11 on how to better manage their asthma.